Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Razvan Stanica was general co-chair of CoRes 2016, the first French national conference on protocol design, performance evaluation and experimentation, held in Bayonne in May 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Razvan Stanica was the co-chair of the track "Vehicular and Delay Tolerant Networks" at the Wireless Days 2016 conference, held in Toulouse in March 2016.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Walid Bechkit was in the TPC of IEEE ICC and IEEE GlobeCom.

  • Razvan Stanica was in the TPC of the following conferences: IEEE ICC, IEEE GlobeCom, IEEE VTC Spring/Fall, AdHoc-Now, GIIS, IEEE ISC2, IEEE UIC, WF-IoT.

  • Fabrice Valois was in the TPC of the following conferences: IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC, IEEE ICT, IEEE WCNC, IEEE WCMC, WiSARN.

  • Razvan Stanica was a reviewer for IEEE Infocom and IEEE WoWMoM.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Razvan Stanica was Guest Editor for the Elsevier Computer Communication special issue on Mobile Traffic Analytics.

  • Fabrice Valois is Associated Editor for Annals of Telecommunications.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Walid Bechkit was a reviewer for ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), Journal of Network and Systems Management, Telecommunication Systems.

  • Razvan Stanica was a reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vehicular Communications, Wireless Networks, China Communications, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering.

Invited Talks

  • Hervé Rivano was an invited speaker at the Intelligent Internet of Things Showroom (SIDO), Lyon, April 2016.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk at the inauguration of the Sense City EquipEx, Paris, April 2016.

  • Hervé Rivano gave an invited talk at the UCN@Sophia Labex seminar, Sophia Antipolis, April 2016.

  • Hervé Rivano was an invited speaker at the Inria Alumni jam session on IoT, Paris, November 2016.

  • Fabrice Valois gave a talk on the “Scientific Challenges of IoT: the viewpoint of the CITI Lab.”, CA Foundation INSA Lyon, September 2016.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Hervé Rivano is member of the steering committee of the ResCom axis of the RSD CNRS GdR.

  • Hervé Rivano is a member of the Scientific Council of TUBA Lyon.

  • Fabrice Valois is a member of the Scientific Council of the LIMOS-UMR6158 laboratory, Clermont Ferrand.

  • Fabrice Valois is member of the Scientifc Council of the Labex IMU (Intelligence des Mondes Urbains).

  • Fabrice Valois is in the steering committee of the Féderation d'Information de Lyon (FR 2000 CNRS).

Scientific Expertise

  • Walid Bechkit was a reviewer for ANRT for Cifre PhD thesis.

  • Hervé Rivano was a reviewer for the Sino-French call for project of the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society.

  • Razvan Stanica was a reviewer for the following calls: ANR appel générique (France), ANRT Cifre (France), CETIC (Cameroun).

  • Fabrice Valois was a reviewer for ANRT for Cifre PhD thesis.

Research Administration

  • Walid Bechkit is responsible for seminar organization and scientific animation within the CITI laboratory.

  • Hervé Rivano is member of the Administration Council of the EquipEx Sense City as representative of Inria.

  • Hervé Rivano is member in the CITI laboratory council.

  • Razvan Stanica is the CITI laboratory correspondent with the Labex IMU.

  • Razvan Stanica is member of the steering committee of the Volvo Chaire at INSA Lyon.

  • Fabrice Valois is director of the CITI research laboratory of INSA Lyon.

  • Fabrice Valois is in the steering committee of the SPIE INSA Lyon IoT Chaire.